Welcome to the online documentation of my work. While still under construction, this website has been set up as a poetic archive to showcase my work with many diverse media in and outside of museums. The timeline offers twelve instances; the sections before and after forming the (playful) brackets for professional work started with a 4-projector audiovisual slide show in Amsterdam in 1977 and ended so far with a full-scale mixed media exhibition in Leeuwarden in 2019.
photo: Corinna Redwanz, 2011
performance "Blind Faith", Academy of Art Dortmund, 2009
"Reise in die Erlebniswüste", Zürich, 2004
Szenografie Gipfel III, DHM, Berlin, 2016
stage design class, TU Berlin, 2013
performance "Zwischenfall", DASA, Dortmund 2012
International Scenographer's Meeting, Stuttgart, 2012
traveling Canyonlands, USA - photo: Lenneke Büller, 2023